zondag, maart 04, 2007

good news, bad news

let's start with the bad news... for some reason Sundays seem to be offdays (sportswise). Todays run sucked big time. I didn't even bother counting the walking breaks. Heartbeat was off the entire time :-(
Anyway, I persisted and accomplished the 55 minutes (including lots of walking breaks).
The afternoon/evening was a lot better. BEERSCHOT (thé team in the Jupiler League) won against FCB olé olé (Bruges) :-) What a game!!! And why the fuck am I typing this message in English for??? Soit, 't was een BEREMATCH!!! Iedereen in 't Beerschot elftal was ZALIG!!! 'k Ben er nog ni helemaal goe van!!! 't Bier vloeide rijkelijk tijdens én nà de wedstrijd! Met deze ploeg zouden we zelfs Europees geen slecht figuur slaan (let op m'n woorden)!!
Enfin, tandjes poetsen en bed in... want 't zal weer vroeg dag zijn :-S

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Chapeau da ge da berichtje nog kon typen na de match ;-)